Happy 3rd Birthday Uncorked: Tweeting for wine!
July marks the birthday mark for Uncorked and we want your help celebrating!
Simply click the Twitter Logo to the left and start following ShopUncorked on Twitter to learn about all of the newest coupon codes, WOW: Wine of the Week, tastings--it is everything that you will need to start Uncorking the FUN!
In celebration of our 3rd birthday, Uncorked is giving wine away! You know our motto by now: "Friends don't let friends pay retail for wine!" Start following us on Twitter and tweet our motto. The 36th follower to do just that will win a 1.5L of Stonestreet Alexander Estate Cabernet 2006! A value of $100.00 just for tweeting with ShopUncorked.
Allow us to make this even easier, copy and paste the following into your tweet to be entered in the contest:
Friends don't let friends pay retail for wine #ShopUncorked.com
Uncorked will be tweeting special birthday contests all month long...start following TODAY!
Summer Months Shipping Restrictions:
***Please note that ShopUncorked.com and Uncorked Wine Consulting will be altering shipping schedules based on the summer temperatures. Please contact Courtney directly at courtney@uncorkedwineconsulting.com with any questions or concerns.***
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